We Celebrate a Milestone But There's More Work To Do

Vote Now Heads To House of Representatives This Week

The good news (well, very, very good news) is that our bill unanimously passed the Ways and Means committee today. While we celebrate this small victory, now it's even more of a crunch time. The Georgia Music Investment Act, HB-155 will head to the Georgia House of Representatives this week. And then, the bill will go to the Georgia State Senate for review (therefore, we're clearly not at the end of the road yet).

Please review and understand the bill (below) and call or visit your representative now. Ask them to support House Bill - 155: The Georgia Music Investment Act. Join your fellow music colleagues in calling, meeting, or emailing your representative starting tonight.

Tools to assist you are below.

Click here to contact your state representative

Click here for talking points and letter templates

What is House Bill 155?

HB 155, also known as the Georgia Music Investment Act, was designed to retain, create and grow thousands of music jobs in Georgia.

Why do we need it?

For over 80 years Georgia Grown Musical Talent has contributed billions of dollars, year after year, to the state’s economy.  It’s time for music to receive the recognition it deserves and an investment from our state that has benefited so greatly from its diverse talent.

Film/TV and Video Game Developers have experienced growth and success with the targeted tax incentives for their industries.

HB-155  lifts ALL aspects of the music industry; recording, scoring, and live productions.  In its entirety it will attract projects that can help rebuild Georgia’s music ecosystem.

HB-155 focuses on 3 major initiatives

1) Live Productions

The bill will attract touring productions by incentivizing them to audition, rehearse, and begin their tours in Georgia. They will receive a 15-25% tax credit if they spend over $500,000 in Georgia.

How does this help me? These touring operations hire hundreds of crew, staff, techs, and other team members. Their benefits increase if they hire Georgia residents. We’ve seen how this has worked successfully within the film industry. The large film studios get the tax credit but it is creating thousands of job opportunities for Georgia actors, PA’s and supporting businesses.

2) Recording

There is a 15-25% tax credit for all projects recorded in Georgia that spend a minimum of $100,000 (aggregate in a year). The goal here is to attract bigger budget projects or multiple projects by labels, artists, publishers, and production development teams.

How does this help me? By allowing these projects to be aggregated, we will be attracting multiple projects by the same companies. This will help us develop the relationships, which, will only strengthen once they realize the talent of Georgia’s producers, engineers, musicians, and music businesses. Our reputation will only continue to grow allowing studios to bill more time and hire more staff.

3) Scoring

On average, music is 5% of the production budget for film and TV. With video games, it can be even more. There is a 15-25% tax credit for all projects recorded in Georgia that spend a minimum of $250,000 (aggregate in a year). Video game music and scoring projects are increasing in size and scope. Georgia is in a unique position with its 16 talented symphonies, strong music, film and video game industries to capitalize on this opportunity. This portion of the bill will create jobs ranging from orchestral to session musicians, composers, studio owners, producers, and countless others.

How was this new bill created?

GMP has been working for years to create legislation that will bolster our music industry, create jobs for our graduates and resident talent,  and make Georgia the the entertainment capitol of the world. Music has been a part of our states history and contributed more than film has over the years. We studied incentives that have been successful in other states and countries and led the initiative for the Joint House and Senate Music Study Committee.

Currently, we have seen a decline in attracting these projects to Georgia as other states have more supportive partnerships with businesses, industry, local and state governments, to build strong infrastructures – states such as Tennessee and Texas. Furthermore, these projects are going to states that have incentives already in place such as Louisiana or New York.

It's time for us to let our state leaders know that music matters. Music = Jobs. Passing HB-155 in its entirety will create new job opportunities for all.

It is imperative that all Georgia and Georgia-born music professionals contact their state legislators and legislative staffs to let them know how important it is for them to support HB-155. In order for this bill to pass we need everyone to call, write, or set up meetings with their State Representatives as soon as possible. If this bill passes the Georgia House of Representatives then we can focus on the Senate.


GMP is an all-volunteer organization. Every penny donated goes toward our efforts to pass HB155.
Please consider making a donation:

Link to: HB 155 

Link to contact your state representative:

Click here for talking points and letter templates: 

For any questions:
please email us at gmp@georgiamusicpartners.org